Monday, September 22, 2008

9/22/08 - Ypsilanti, MI KOA (Visits)

Captain’s Blog

We woke to an overcast day that soon brightened and turned into a beautiful first day of fall. I did get in touch with my brother and to my surprise his wife answered and is in MA visiting her sick Father. My brother is in MI and we did visit him for a couple of hours this afternoon. He is doing well despite all of his medical issues. My brother has two dogs and a lizard so we brought Jewel with us. She was very enthralled with the lizard named Curious and had a great time playing with Prancer and Cinnamon.

I left a message with my niece Brooke but never heard back from her. I know she is pregnant and is due real soon so it is possible she is in the hospital. Darcy’ number is no longer in service and I don’t have her new number so I guess we miss out on visiting her too.

Later this evening we had dinner with the Solomans and had a great time visiting with them. They are a great family and very interesting and entertaining.
Tomorrow we head out and will travel through Canada into New York cutting about 100 miles off our travel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( you were 20 min from our house. Our home number is the same,(and listed) cell changed sent email to that let me know if you don't have it. So sorry we missed you. Family love just what we all need right now.

Hope your journey back home is a good one.

Love Always Darcy, Mickey & Riley